Below you find all the frequently asked questions about the Kick-In. Can't find your question? Don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail at info@kick-in.nl or by phone +31 53 4892356 during office hours.
Once you are enrolled at University of Twente (UT), you will receive a student number. Enclosed in the first letter you receive from us containing information about registering for the Kick-In, your student number and corresponding password are included. These details only work for our website, not for other UT systems.
Some time after your enrollment, you will also receive a letter from the university's ICT Service Centre (LISA) containing your student number and a corresponding password, which you can use to log in to various websites at the university. With this combination, you can also log in to our website (in addition to the details you receive from us).
If you have lost the details of your ICT account (the account mentioned in the LISA letter), we cannot assist you further with the Kick-In. You will need to contact the LISA helpdesk to request a new password.
We strongly advise you to arrange housing before the start of your studies. To search for housing in Enschede or Hengelo, you can visit utwente.nl/housing, for example. The UT and the organisation of the Kick-In do not provide accommodation.
If you don't have accommodation during the Kick-In, you can take the risk of trying to arrange a place to sleep with someone from your do-group. This group will consist of some fellow students from your study programme and also a few senior students, and there are often people within it who have a spare spot to sleep during the Kick-In.
It's useful to bring a sleeping bag and possibly a pillow in this case. On the first day, a place will be made available where you can store your luggage until you join a do-group.
What is the difference between the general and the study-related / faculty Kick-In programme? (13177 hits)
The Kick-In is an orientation period for first-year bachelor, (pre-)master and exchange students to get to know your study programme, the campus and student life in Enschede. During the general programme, you will get to know the campus, the city of Enschede, as well as all sorts of sport and performing arts associations, student societies and student life in Enschede. During the study-related / faculty programme, you will meet your fellow students and receive important information about your study.
We strongly recommend you to take part in the study-related programme. This will guide you around the study programme, faculty and study association - information that will prove useful to you throughout your entire student career.
If certain circumstances prevent you from being able to attend the study-related programme, you can choose to solely attend the general programme within the subscription wizard on the website.
The registration fee for the general Kick-In is €80. In exchange for that amount, we provide 7 days of activities! These activities can be found in the programme on the website.
During the general programme, there are additional costs associated with some specific Kick-In activities, such as dinner.
The faculty will require an additional contribution for the study-related Kick-In. This contribution varies per faculty.
The sign-up deadline is for the
- Bachelor Kick-In on 20th of August.
- Master Kick-In on 23th of August.
We would appreciate it if you sign up earlier.
When you enrol to the Kick-In online, you can pay with iDEAL, SOFORT, CreditCard and PayPal.
That's possible! The entire Kick-In consists of two parts: the general part and the study-related part (the study-related / faculty programme). In the subscription wizard on the website, you can choose not to subscribe for the general programme, but only for the study-related programme.
The do-group parent briefing will take place on the 20th of August. For Master do-group parents it will take place from 19:00 - 20:00. For Bachelor do-group parents it will take place from 20:00 - 21:00.
Be aware that you, as a head do-group parent, should also follow the do-group parent training. More information can be found on your dashboard.
Kick-In 2024 will take place from:
No, on the first day you will choose a group. Two older students will guide you and your group of 8 to 15 fellow students during the Kick-In. You can ask them all your questions and the group will make the Kick-In a lot more fun. There is a big chance these people become friends for the rest of your student life!
The registration fee for the general Kick-In is €50. In exchange for that amount, we provide 6 days of activities! These activities can be found in the programme on the website.
During the general programme, there are additional costs associated with some specific Kick-In activities, such as dinner.
The faculty will require an additional contribution for the faculty Kick-In. This contribution varies per faculty.
Definitely! During the Kick-In you are not just getting to know Enschede, but also your fellow students and the numerous sports, culture, and student associations. Besides this, you will also be familiarised with the university and the campus.
Bachelor Kick-In
The Bachelor Kick-In is for national and international students who start doing a bachelor programme at University of Twente. If you start your studies in September 2024, the Kick-In is organised for you!
If you switched study or just want to meet new friends, you are welcome to participate in the Kick-In too!
Master Kick-In
The master Kick-In is for national and international students who start doing a premaster, master or exchange programme at University of Twente.
If you did your bachelor at University of Twente you can be a do-group parent during the Kick-In. This way you can get to know your fellow students and guide them through Enschede and the university.
There is a different Master Kick-In programme. The Master programme looks a lot like the Bachelor programme, but has several different activities and is shorter than the Bachelor Programme. International students have the opportunity to arrange formalities such as housing and required administration.
You'll find more information about the Master Kick-In on this page.
The pick-up service is arranged by University of Twente. See for more information!
You can register for the buddy programme on this website. The Kick-In and buddy programme are easy and fun to combine!
The Kick-In is the perfect start for your student life! Not only can you make friends for the rest of your student life, and who knows longer, you also get to know everything the student life in Enschede has to offer. You can take your time to find out what kinds of sports or culture activities can be done, or get to know the student societies. You can find out what suits you! When you start in class, you have the chance to already know your fellow students and already know what you want to within and besides your study. To conclude, the Kick-In is besides all essential information a unique experience!
The Kick-In starts at the campus of University of Twente (Drienerlolaan 5, 7522 NB Enschede). The majority of the Kick-In programme takes place on campus of University of Twente, except for activities in the city centre of Enschede.
If you want to be a master do-group parent during the Master Kick-In, you can apply for this via our website. You can log in and click on: 'Sign-up as master do-group parent' on the homepage to become a master do-group parent.
Yes! Are you having doubts about joining the Kick-In because you are disabled or because you have a chronic illness? Please contact us at +31 53 489 2356 or at info@kick-in.nl so we can take this into account. Every year, there are students with a handicap or chronic illness that have much fun joining the Kick-In, so don't let this withhold you to participate!
The Kick-In is the official introduction period of University of Twente. The Kick-In is the perfect opportunity to discover the university, the campus and the city of Enschede and all other aspects of your student life. You also have the opportunity to arrange all the formalities necessary for your time in the Netherlands.
The Kick-In is organised by six students who spend a whole year organising this big event. They are the Kick-In Committee of University of Twente. More information about them is displayed here.
During the Kick-In, a large team of volunteers perform every single small or big task to make the event a success. This is the crew. More information about the crew can be found here.
Participants will be guided by do-group parents. They are students who enjoy participating in the Kick-In and giving new students the best experience possible!
Can I go to the Facility Market if I do not participate in the (general part of the) Kick-In? (5853 hits)
Yes, the Facility Market is open to all students!
We advise you to be in Enschede during the Kick-In, this ensures the best experience of the Kick-In!
We are all concerned about drugging during the nightlife, as we want all students to feel safe while going out. There are a few points of advice we would like to share with you:
- Never leave your drink unattended, not even for a moment.
- Do not drink from others' glasses.
- Do not accept drinks from strangers.
- If your drink doesn't taste right, don't finish it.
- Keep an eye on whether someone is behaving differently (for instance, If they appear to be more drunk than you'd expect, dizzy or slurring their words.
- Keep an eye out for each other: do not leave someone alone, cycle home together, or ask for a message when they are home.
If you believe you or someone else has potentially been drugged, make sure to alert those around you and the bar staff. Also, make sure to report an incident to the police. This way, they can keep track of the number of incidents and increase awareness. It is never, ever, the fault of the victim and the report will be treated confidentially.
Lastly, if anything goes wrong after a drugging incident, make sure to find the appropriate professional help straight away. Call the emergency number 112 or contact your general practitioner. Outside office hours, the GP can be reached by calling +31885551188 (Enschede) or +31885551155 (Hengelo). There is also a support line, 'Alles oké?' (0800-0450), which can be contacted if you would just like to talk about what happened.