Are you taking measures against drugging during nightlife?

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We are all concerned about drugging during the nightlife, as we want all students to feel safe while going out. There are a few points of advice we would like to share with you:

  • Never leave your drink unattended, not even for a moment.
  • Do not drink from others' glasses.
  • Do not accept drinks from strangers.
  • If your drink doesn't taste right, don't finish it.
  • Keep an eye on whether someone is behaving differently (for instance, If they appear to be more drunk than you'd expect, dizzy or slurring their words. 
  • Keep an eye out for each other: do not leave someone alone, cycle home together, or ask for a message when they are home.

If you believe you or someone else has potentially been drugged, make sure to alert those around you and the bar staff. Also, make sure to report an incident to the police. This way, they can keep track of the number of incidents and increase awareness. It is never, ever, the fault of the victim and the report will be treated confidentially.

Lastly, if anything goes wrong after a drugging incident, make sure to find the appropriate professional help straight away. Call the emergency number 112 or contact your general practitioner. Outside office hours, the GP can be reached by calling +31885551188 (Enschede) or +31885551155 (Hengelo). There is also a support line, 'Alles oké?' (0800-0450), which can be contacted if you would just like to talk about what happened.