Will you organise the Kick-In 2025?

The Kick-In Committee consists of six enthusiastic students who work a full year to organise the Winter and Summer Kick-In. As Kick-In Committee you introduce the new students to Enschede and its student life. During this fun and educational board year, you will be in contact with many large companies, you will have close contact with parties both inside and outside University of Twente and you can invest in your own personal development. In addition to your position-related duties, you spend a lot of time on the programme. You work together with the rest of the committee to put your own interpretation and creativity into the programme.
From November, the committee works part-time for 10 weeks and full-time for 7 months thereafter. This time is necessary because you set up two huge events in which more than 2000 new students participate. In addition, with a total of nine days the Summer Kick-In is the longest introduction period in the Netherlands!
Fortunately, you don't do this all by yourself. During the Summer Kick-In, the committee is assisted by more than 200 crew members. This crew is indispensable and ensures that all activities run smoothly. Thanks to the crew, you as a Kick-In Committee can enjoy the nine days that you put so much effort into organising. During the Kick-In, the committee is responsible but you can of course participate in all activities.
Do you want to know more about the Kick-In Committee, the positions within the committee, or what a year as Kick-In Committee actually looks like? Would you like to organise the Kick-In of 2025? Check the information brochure, come to one of the interest moments or contact us via apply@kick-in.nl.

Interest Moments

Date: Monday 12th of August and Monday 19th of August

Time: 14:00-15:00

Location: Kick-In Office, De Hems 10, Bastille 3rd Floor

Can’t make it? Send us an email, and we can send you more info!

Opportunity to Try

Do you want to see how the Kick-In Committee operates behind the scenes for the different functions to see if the Kick-In Committee is something for you? That's possible! Send an email to apply@kick-in.nl to schedule a meeting with one of the committee members. 


Would you like to organise the coolest and biggest event of the student life in Enschede? Send your motivation letter and CV to apply@kick-in.nl.